
Structure of the chassis system What are the car chassis accessories included?

21 Nov,2022

The chassis of a car is not simply a guard, but consists of many accessories. What is the structure of the chassis system? In fact, to gain insight into the structure of a chassis, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding not only of what systems the chassis includes, but also of the chassis accessories.
Automotive chassis components

The car chassis system is a complete system, as important as the powertrain on the car. Specifically, the following systems are included. The chassis is used to support and mount the car's engine and its parts and assemblies to form the overall shape of the car and to receive power from the engine so that the car can move and drive properly. The chassis consists of four parts: the transmission system, the driving system, the steering system and the braking system.

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1. Transmission system: clutch, transmission, main gearbox, half-shaft, universal joint, drive shaft.

2. Drive system: frame, balance bar, axle, wheel, spindle beam, shock absorber, horn, support arm, three-way (check transaction price|participation|concession) catalytic converter.

3. Steering system: steering shaft and cross tie bar.

4. Braking system: brake discs, brake sub-pump and brake pads.

The function of the chassis system of a car

The chassis is used to support and mount the car engine and its parts and assemblies, to shape the overall shape of the car, to receive power from the engine and to enable the car to move and drive properly.

1. The function of the drivetrain is to transmit the power from the engine to the drive wheels.

2. The function of the steering system is to ensure that the car is able to move in the direction chosen by the driver.

3. The function of the braking system is to slow and stop the car and to ensure reliable stopping.

4. The function of the driving system is to support and mount the components of the car and to transmit and carry the various loads on and off the vehicle.

According to the structure of the car chassis system, we can see that the car chassis consists of four main parts, and each of these systems plays its own role. Regardless of which system is used, it is very important for the car chassis and is related to the safety performance of the car. From this perspective, it is important to pay attention to the maintenance of the car chassis in daily driving to keep the car in excellent driving performance.

The above is the structure of the chassis system.


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